20.09.2018 6 pm

Renewal of Social Housing:
International Experiences and Lessons for Vienna
Kuppelsaal TU Wien
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Wien

Ingrid Breckner, HafenCity University Hamburg
Gabu Heindl, Architect and Urbanist, Vienna
Sarah Leaney, University of Brighton
Rudolf Scheuvens, TU Wien

Christoph Reinprecht, University of Vienna
Simon Güntner, TU Wien

Which international experiences exist regarding renovation and renewal of large scale housing complexes? Which conflicts appear unavoidable, which measures prove to be of value, from which solutions in the sense of good/best practices could Vienna learn as well? The roundtable discussion provides insights into the research work of the 26 participants of the Summer School and discusses their relevance for social housing in Vienna.